
Sing Peace Around the World

M o n t e s s o r i   S c h o o l s

S I N G   P E A C E   A R O U N D   T H E   W O R L D

T h u r s d a y   S e p t e m b e r   2 1,   2 0 1 7

"Come and sing the song that will go all the way around the world!" 

 Children from across the planet will come together to sing for peace on Thursday, September 21st 2017 to celebrate the International Day of Peace. The singing will commence on the shores of New Zealand and continue from country to country until it reaches the shores of the Hawaiian Islands 24 hours later.   In 2016, "Sing Peace" involved over 150,000 children from some 65 different countries. We hope to reach a quarter of a million children singing for the 2017 event. We welcome back our schools who participated last year and challenge them to bring a friend! Invite a guest!  We challenge you to share Sing Peace Around the World with a school in your neighborhood, down the street or in your community.  Spread the word that children are singing around the world for peace.  More then ever the message of peace needs to be heard from every corner of every continent.